Ruin? F**k yeah I know all about that!

gene keys mindset Dec 15, 2021

"Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation" Elizabeth Gilbert - Eat Pray Love

Ruin? Oh f*** yeah! I know all about that.

I thought my relationship with women was permanently ruined. They’d tried to ruin me, so why wouldn't I think that?

This stroy played in my head that I wasn't any good at relationships with women. I didn't trust them. They didn't get me. I didn't like them. So I would always be the first one to exclude myself before they could exclude me.

I was always a target of women's vitriol. Yeah, you could say I didn't like women, I didn't trust them .. did I say I couldn't trust them? Oh yeah I already said that.

Even my lovely mum used to say 'you're much better at being friends with boys than girls'. So for years I excluded myself, isolated myself. It became a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But it's not all bad news and in fact none of it bad news.

Now I understand my vocation in Gene Keys, the shadow is exclusion, so of course my core wound shows up as me excluding myself from female relationships.

But now that's become the most powerful way I can help my clients, the gift level of 'intimacy' is my incredible zone of genius! I help women have more intimate relationships with themselves, with their own energy, with other people, with their clients with f**king everything basically.

So yeah, what ruined me was my road to transformation and Human design and Gene Keys revealed have that to me.

I know consciousness will evolve further when women UNLEARN how society has taught us to treat each other. When we are wildly emotionally intimate with each other, when we radically trust each other, we can change the f**king world!

It's up to us to come together to see through the layers of bull**it we're fed. Bring on 2022!