Why do you REALLY desire money?

gene keys human design energies Dec 15, 2021

Seems like a simple question but why do you REALLY want it?


In Human Design, the number after the decimal point of our conscious Jupiter gate (look for this symbol ♃, in the black column of gates on the right of the chart) shows us what we desire money for (also known as the PEARL in Gene Keys).


LINE 1 SIMPLICITY  Your relationship to money is designed to be simple, your prosperity is about having the freedom to create, focus on living simply - get rid of clutter to be an example of the value of living a simple life


LINE 2 RECOGNITION  You are here to learn to receive, find the people you recognise at a soul level & who recognise you, you will always enjoy investing in someone you believe in, when you love yourself you enjoy being seen & recognised


LINE 3 CELEBRATION  You use money to celebrate life with others, you love to spend money on things that bring people joy, you have the potential to attract a great deal of money into your life, celebrate your life as it is right now


LINE 4 CHARITY You may attract large amounts of money to experience the joy of giving it to those in need, your greatest joy is in touching the hearts & lives of others, gratitude is a frequency you are familiar with, the emphasis of this line is on service


LINE 5 POWER You are here to shape humanity at a much broader level than the other lines, of all the lines you are likely to draw in the most money to shift the economy, you are here to bring great positive change so work on expanding your vision of yourself to fit that mission


LINE 6 NATURE You are designed to have a relationship with money like you have with nature, you don't need to work on abundance - it just is, this line looks ahead to a time when money is no longer needed, you know we are a part of nature's great plan


Which line are you?